myChess-wiki - 523 articles found!  
article Notitlelast change
989Blackmar gambit05-07-05, 05:11pm
990Bogo-Indian defence05-07-07, 01:57pm
991Budapest defence declined05-07-05, 05:12pm
992Caro-Kann defence05-07-05, 05:14pm
993Catalan: Closed05-07-05, 05:16pm
994Scandinavian (centre counter) defence05-07-05, 05:17pm
995Center game05-07-05, 05:27pm
996QGD: Chigorin defence05-07-05, 05:29pm
997Clemenz Opening05-07-05, 05:30pm
998Damiano´s defence05-07-05, 05:31pm
999Danish gambit05-07-05, 05:36pm
1000Anti-Borg (Desprez) opening05-07-05, 05:38pm
1001Ware (Meadow Hay) opening05-07-05, 05:39pm
1002Diemer-Duhm Gambit05-07-05, 05:43pm
1003Dunst (Sleipner, Heinrichsen) opening05-07-05, 05:44pm
1004Durkin Opening05-07-05, 05:45pm
1005Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings05-07-05, 05:48pm
1006chess opening05-07-07, 02:05pm
1007QGA: Alekhine defence05-07-05, 06:36pm
1008Grob´s Attack05-07-05, 09:14pm

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