Van´t Kruijs-Eroeffnung[ bearbeiten ]
ECO: A00
Thema Nr: 1982
Titel: Van´t Kruijs-Eroeffnung
Notation: 1. e3
Brett: zeigen
The Van ´t Kruijs Opening (also Van´t Kruys) is a chess opening defined by the move 1. e3. It is named after the Amsterdam player Maarten van ´t Kruijs (1811–1885) who won the sixth Dutch championship in 1878.

1. e3 is not a popular move; according to ChessBase, 1. e3 ranks eleventh in popularity out of the twenty possible first moves. 1. e3 releases the king´s bishop, and makes a modest claim of the center, but the move is somewhat passive. The queen´s bishop´s development is somewhat hindered by the pawn on e3, and White usually wants to take more than a modest stake of the centre.

Black has a number of playable responses. If Black continues with 1... e5 a position similar to the French Defense, but with colors reversed, arises.

  • Hooper, David and Kenneth Whyld (1996). The Oxford Companion To Chess. Oxford University. ISBN 0-19-280049-3.

Einordnung: Themenauswahl | Van´t Kruijs Opening
Artikel Nr 1011 / letzte Änderung am 05.07.2005, 21:22Uhr

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