blitz chess[ bearbeiten ]

Blitz chess (also known as speed chess or blitzkrieg chess) is a game of chess where each side is given very little time to make all of their moves. Generally, each side has between three and fifteen minutes (five minutes is common) timed by a chess clock. Blitz chess is quite popular on many Internet chess services. The word blitz means lightning in German.

The short time controls naturally reduce the amount of time available to consider each move, and result in a frantic game, especially as time runs out. When one player´s time runs out, the other player wins the game. As with normal chess, a checkmate will also win the game. Also, a common rule used in "blitz tounaments" is that if you make an illegel move, your opponent may point it out and claim a win. For example, if you leave your king undefended, than your opponent is allowed to take it and claim the win. (It is not fair that he has to use his time on the clock to point it out and therefore, lose some because you made a mistake.) This rule can be left out for a friendly game or left in for a more exciting and fun game.

Even faster than blitz chess is bullet and lightning chess.

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Artikel Nr 548 / letzte Änderung am 29.06.2005, 12:49Uhr

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