Tarrasch rule[ bearbeiten ]

Tarrasch stated the "rule" that rooks should be placed behind passed pawns - either yours or your opponent´s. That is usually true, but not always. Here are two positions to illustrate the principle. In the first diagram, White´s rook is behind his passed pawn on the a file, and the position is won for white.

In the second position, White´s rook is in front of his passed pawn on the a file, and the position is a draw. (These are diagrams 13 and 14 from Practical Rook Endings by Victor Korchnoi, although the second diagram was modified.)

Einordnung: myChess-Wiki | chess terminology | endgame | Tarrasch rule
Artikel Nr 591 / letzte Änderung am 29.06.2005, 16:01Uhr

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