Exchange sacrifice[ bearbeiten ]

In chess an exchange sacrifice occurs when one player gives up a rook for a minor piece (knight or bishop). It is often used to destroy the enemy pawn structure (as in several variations of the Sicilian Defence where Black plays RxNc3), to establish a minor piece on a strong square (often threatening the enemy king), or to improve pawn structure (creating, for example, connected passed pawns). Tigran Petrosian, the world Champion from 1963-1969, was well known for his especially creative use of this device; in the game Reshevsky-Petrosian, Zurich 1953, he sacrificed the exchange on move 25, only for his opponent to sacrifice it in return on move 30 (the game ended a draw).

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Artikel Nr 612 / letzte Ă„nderung am 29.06.2005, 17:09Uhr

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