Geza Maroczy[ bearbeiten ]

Géza Maróczy (3 March,1870-29 May,1951) was a leading Hungarian chess master. He was also a practising engineer.

Géza Maróczy was born in Szeged, Hungary on March 3, 1870. He won the "minor" tournament at Hastings 1895, and over the next ten years he won several top prizes in international events. In 1906 he agreed to terms for a World Championship match with Emanuel Lasker, but political problems in Cuba, where the match was to be played, caused the arrangements to be cancelled.

Maroczy´s style, though sound, was very defensive in nature. Few of his games are used in textbooks due to their lack of spark and innovation. However none of his contemporaries could match his defensive skills.

After 1908, Maroczy retired from international chess to devote more time to his profession as a mathematics teacher. He did make a brief return after World War I, with some success, and today the Maróczy Bind (pawns on c4 and e4 against the Sicilian) carries his name.

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Artikel Nr 687 / letzte Ă„nderung am 30.06.2005, 17:06Uhr

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